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The Language of Yoga

Niyamas: Svadhyaya

More recently, svadhyaya has come to mean "self-reflection." Self-reflection is the thing most of us not only resist, but resist with vigor. Sitting with all our pain and trying to understand it by looking into it can feel like…

The Language of Yoga

The Niyamas: Saucha

The yamas are known as the restraints, while the niyamas are thought of as the observances. The first niyama, saucha, which is often translated as cleanliness or purity, is an interesting one to start with because its interpretations can…

The Language of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

"While the physical practices are wonderful and might help us experience clarity and peace, they don't address the reasons why we lose our peace, why we may be anxious, insecure, or unfulfilled." If learning about the eight limbs can…