Pratyahara is the fifth limb of yoga, and it's usually translated as "withdrawal of the senses."…
eight limbs of yoga
More recently, svadhyaya has come to mean "self-reflection." Self-reflection is the thing most of us not only resist, but resist with vigor. Sitting with all our pain and trying to understand it by looking into it can feel like…
The first yama, ahimsa, is usually translated as non-violence or non-harming. Just like the Hippocratic oath instructs fledgling doctors to “do no harm,” this first yama includes the same fundamental idea for the rest of us: In part of…
The yamas - there are five of them - make up the first limb of yoga. These, along with the niyamas, are guidelines for living a better, more fulfilled life. But before you roll your eyes, the yamas are…
"While the physical practices are wonderful and might help us experience clarity and peace, they don't address the reasons why we lose our peace, why we may be anxious, insecure, or unfulfilled." If learning about the eight limbs can…