There's a Class for That - Yoga

5 Yoga Classes to Refresh Your Mind & Body

Refresh your mind and body with this week’s yoga classes!

  • Refresh with Tara Judelle: Access new perspectives and a fresh outlook by starting with a long headstand with leg variations in the middle of the room or at a wall. Continue to invert with a standing forward fold, using props to support your head. Spend a moment twisting through your torso and low back before opening your front body with bridge and wheel pose. Props Needed: Two blocks and a blanket. Props Suggested: Wall space.
  • Invigorating Tonic with Tiffany Cruikshank: A quick wake up call to refresh your brain. Start with a flow focusing on accessible inversions and backbends. Props make the poses easier than you might normally approach them so you can stay a bit longer to steep in the invigoration. Headstand, pincha mayurasana, supine hero’s pose and a restorative backbend will leave you charged and ready to go. Props Needed: Two blocks.
  • Stop & Smell the Roses with Kathryn Budig: A slow moving flow is here to help you celebrate your internal Spring time. Let this practice instigate a lovely sensation of rebirth. Through refreshing postures, flows that gradually build and blossom like a flower in to peak poses that challenge yet inspire. Creative sun salutations build on each other gradually getting longer and more fluid to create a dance like flow that opens your shoulders and hips. Your peak pose is bird of paradise.
  • Boost Brain Function & Refresh Your Mind with Kia Miller: This powerful practice is done sitting down. A few warm-ups open the hips and spine and prepare for the kriya, which consists of a pranayama and meditation specifically designed to fight brain fatigue and refresh your mind, elevating you to a sublime state of connection and peace. This practice also benefits the liver, navel point, spleen and lymphatic system. Prop suggested: One blanket.
  • Amy’s Anytime Refresher: Like a spritz of facial mist, this quick and delicious yoga break will warm you up and loosen up the tight spots. There are no chatturangas or anything too deep. Also serves as a great warm up for more advanced practices and tutorials.



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