There's a Class for That

Site Update for Curated Yoga Collections

We released a website update today that makes finding and favoriting classes easier than ever.

We’ve removed the Body, Heart and Mind categories on the left navigation and added a new one for Collections. You can now easily find and browse our curated collections of yoga and meditation classes with one click on the Collections icon.

collectionsnewnavEach Collection has been designed to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re a runner, a beginner, are looking to reduce stress or learn how to meditate – our collections are a wonderful place to find classes that align with your specific needs and interests. Each collection features a set of classes you can take in any order and return to again and again.

 We hope this update makes Collection-perusing easier on the web. We’ll be updating these same changes on iOS in the near future.

A few collections we’re loving right now:

  • Yoga for the Slopes – Prep for a day on the slopes and soothe yourself after a long powder session.
  • Classes to Help Boost Your Energy – Feeling slugging and in need of energy? These classes will help invigorate you when you need a boost.
  • Handpicked Classes for Runners – From tight hip flexors and hamstrings to achy knees and low back pain, running can take a toll on the body. These yoga classes are a perfect complement to your training, as they will help cultivate freedom, balance and flexibility in your body so you can stay injury-free and running for years to come.
  • Yoga for Travel – Restore, renew and get centered before, during and after long journeys.
  • Yoga for a Great Attitude – A little attitude adjustment can go a long way in facing life’s challenges. These yoga classes will help you make that shift.
What are your favorite collections? What collections would you love to see us add? Let us know – we’re all ears!

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