There's a Class for That

6 Yoga Classes for Cardio, Strength & Endurance

yoga for endurance

Whoever says yoga isn’t a workout probably has never taken a non-stop, fast-paced, heart pumping flow. These classes can be more strenuous than an hour on the treadmill, plus using your own body-weight is a great way to get and stay toned. Adding a yoga practice to your exercise regimen will not only make you work up a sweat, but it will strengthen and stretch your muscles, improve your posture, and prevent workout injuries.

This week’s featured classes are fantastic for cardiovascular work, building strength, and cultivating endurance.

  • Rev Up Your Metabolism with Tiffany: Get moving right away and work through several intervals of asana to rev up your metabolism. Flow through variations of sun salutations, twists, and inversions to get your heart pumping with less talking. Then, relengthen your major muscle groups. Finish feeling balanced and revitalized.
  • Stoke Your Fire with Claudine Lafond: Build strength and tone your entire body with this dynamic class designed to make you sweat. A flowing sequence intended to open up the body, build strength and detoxify your system. Do as much or as little as you can without judgements or expectations. The intention of this class is to ignite your inner spark. Plenty of handstand options to help you stoke your fire. Props Needed: A block and wall space.
  • Bootcampasana with Darren Rhodes: Rock the house and clean the house in this sequence that packs maximum poses into each minute. The poses themselves are all doable. What makes them difficult is the relentless pacing; pose after pose, asana-after pose.
  • Strong, Non-Stop Flow with Jason Crandell: I don’t teach fast classes, but this one is strong and continuous. Minimal instruction, continuous motion punctuated by a few longer holds and several key arm-balances. Class includes starting in handstand, plenty of standing posture transitions, inversion variations and a savasana that you’ll never want to end. Optional Prop: a Wall.
  • Keep It Moving with Dice: This practice is all about keeping it moving. Using Surya A and a mixed Surya C, we open our front body and incorporate some hip strengthening via squats and some variations. We finish with some hip opening, forward folding and savasana. Enjoy my fellow yogis! Props Needed: Two blocks.
  • Fast-Paced Full Primary Series with Jodi Blumstein: This is a fast paced full primary series. This class is not using the traditional Sanskrit counting, but rather is focusing strongly in the breath to initiate the energy and movement of the class.

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